Fireworks bore me but then they don't
03 Jul 2017For some reason I’m finding fireworks to be less and less exciting every year. We as a family has never really spent a whole lot on them at any one time, usually about $50 - $100 for a handful of multi-shot and what we call “boomers” and maybe a few rockets and small things. We’d spend 15-30 minutes firing the off one by one until we run out then go back indoors.
I stuggle to see why we do even do that. I mean, we could just run down to the riverside and watch them launch dozens of powerful mortars and feel the shockwaves from them. I can at least enjoy that but doing them at home, especially when I’m the one running back and forth setting up the next charge and lighting it; it gets tiresome and a bit boring. I don’t enjoy it as much anymore. I don’t get to sit back and watch.
And that has given me a few ideas to remedy that dissatisfaction and bring some joy in my life again. About a couple years ago, I got the idea to do like a remote launch thing but never got around to actually buying something to make it happen. Every time, I tell myself this and forget about it till the last minute then decide not to.
See, they make wireless launchers where I can attach a fuse type thing to the fuse of the firework and connect it to a portable system that’d apply power to the fuse, lighting it, and send the firework up into the air. The system would use a remote control that triggers relays to power the wire fuses. Sounds cool, right? Welp, procrastination sets in and I never get around to buying one.
This year, like soon, I need to order one off ebay and just stash it in my closet till New Years. Maybe then, we can setup multiple shots where I can sit back and launch them remotely. I just hope it works and I wouldn’t need to go up to the firework with fear it might launch anyways and light it manually.
I had thought about making like a 24-shot one, just because, but the cost of it kinda turns me off. I figured it up to be around $200, give or take, and I just can’t do it. Not when I can get a 12-shot premade thing on ebay for like $25-50 and it’d be plenty. I have a tenancy to go overboard with ideas. Over-thinking and whatnot.
Anyway, that’s my thought. Enjoy and have a nice and safe evening. Cheers.